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  • Writer's pictureDrishti Babu


Can clothing impact our anxiety?

Well, even if it could, then to what extent?

While the science in compression clothing is trending quite vast, let's look around and get a fair idea about it and its impact on our bodies and emotions. Talking about what compression clothing is? Well, in broad terms, it is any garment that fits tight to the skin and tightens up our body. It's this tightening and compression effect that is said to produce the desired benefits. Compression gear improves blood circulation, which helps our body recover and rest. These items apply pressure on the target points, which comforts people suffering from anxiety. It provides a firm squeezing sensation that triggers the senses and allows people to be comfortable. Compression clothing is stitched to ensure a stitching line on specific pressure points and muscles of our body that helps in proper blood flow and reduces fatigue. Compression clothing is used primarily to assist in regulating the body's sensory information. This means listening to your body, focusing, and learning, all whilst calm and becoming self-aware. It also helps increase the blood flow of our body, resulting in insufficient oxygen supply, which keeps the body composed. The material used for these kinds of clothing is a specialized, high-quality, breathable, moisture-wicking sensory fabric. Much care has been taken to ensure that external stitching provides a seamless feel to the wearer and that material will keep the individual cool, dry, and comfortable. All these extra touches allow the wearer to enjoy the calming benefits and minimize his meltdowns. It seems like a magic wand that impacts our body without realizing it. Compression clothing is gaining popularity among athletes, dancers, and fitness enthusiasts. Soon it might slide into your closet too!

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