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  • Writer's pictureDrishti Babu


Updated: Jul 25, 2020

For me colors always have had subjective meanings, different people can perceive one color differently, can have opposite emotions for the same color, can evoke multiple feelings or none at all.

The gender, culture and even the name of the color affects the color we choose and why

we choose it. Research studies on color perception and preferences has shown that when it comes to shades, tints and hues men prefer bold colors while women prefer softer colors.

As simple as the name of color influences the choice we make. Study showed that when given a choice between mocha or brown, participants chose mocha even though they were shown the same color.

The more unusual, unique or fancy the name of the color, the greater the intent to purchase. Despite minimal research evidence, Color Psychology has become a hot topic in marketing, art, design and other industries. Though subjective in nature, certain colors have universal meaning.

If you want to invoke warm feelings, comfort, passion and even anger and hostility, go for Warm colors including red, yellow and orange.

If you want to be calm, relaxed, reserved or even want to invoke feelings of sadness, go for cool colors including blue, purple, and green.

Color preferences from the clothes we wear to the items we purchase can act as a reflection of our personality and how we want the people to perceive us.

  • Color white gives a feel of clean and fresh. It invokes a sense of modernity and youthfulness

  • Color black is often known to be a powerful color and invokes power, mystery and even luxury.

  • Silver is linked to innovation and modernity.

  • Red is the color for passion,arousal, boldness and getting attention.

Divyapreet Kaur

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2 則留言

Drishti Babu
Drishti Babu

Sure sir. Will extend this topic in my next series. Thankyou so much 🌼



Please extend this subject in more series. Would love to have more in-depth information. Very informative and wonderful presentation. Keep it up 👍

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