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  • Writer's pictureDrishti Babu


Every morning when you wake up and begin your day, part of your routine will include choosing your outfit for the day.

If you are going to a corporate office environment, you might go and pick something with some formal ethics. Now, imagine you are a photographer too, and you have to go for a shoot today, will you pick up that same outfit?

The way you dress can change your perception of the object, people, and events around you. Ever thought why formals are preferred in a business meeting and why mostly there are no dress codes in any creative ground?

Well, formals give you perception and guide your subconscious mind analytically and improve your cognitive processing ability. While talking about some prints and breezy silhouettes, it gives our mind an open space to think about our environment from a different perspective.

Next time whenever you are deciding your outfit for the day, think about how it can impact your day at work!

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